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Les formations hôtellerie-restauration


Métiers de l’alimentation dans Alimentation.

With its 900,000 employees, the hotel and catering sector is the 4ème largest private employer. Thanks to the diversity of its professions, the hotel and catering industry attracts profiles ranging from CAP to BAC +5. This field is constantly recruiting, and you can easily find a job in it.

C’est pourquoi le CFA Européen Louis Prioux situé dans le Grand-Est, vous offre la possibilité de se former aux différents métiers de l’Hôtellerie-Restauration.

This field offers varied career opportunities and great development prospects. Indeed, this sector is hierarchical and each staff member occupies a well-defined position. A motivated candidate will therefore be able to move up quickly within the same company or by diversifying his experience in different establishments.

The professions of the hotel and restaurant catering is characterised by customer satisfaction, being at their service and ensuring their comfort. You will need to have excellent social and interpersonal skills, as well as a high level of education and politeness at all times. You will be a good listener, patient, in order to serve the customers in the best way.

The positions are varied, ranging from assistant cook to chef, from waiter to maître d'hôtel, from housekeepers to linen maids for hotel-related position.

Having a job in the hotel and restaurant industry allows you to project yourself and mostly to travel the world in the most beautiful kitchens, with the greatest chefs, or in the most beautiful luxury hotels and restaurants. These professions are constantly evolving. You will be able to continually learn new skills in your profession.

English (UK)