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Les formations métiers de bouche


Métiers de la restauration dans Hôtellerie-Restauration.

In the food industry, also known as catering, there are many possibilities. INSEE has over 90,000 food stores in France employing 330,000 people. A sector that provides jobs, offering real development opportunities.

C’est pourquoi le CFA Européen Louis Prioux situé dans le Grand-Est, vous offre la possibilité de se former aux différents métiers de l’Alimentation.

Food trades include bakery, pastry, chocolate, meat trades with butchery, charcuterie and service trades as caterer.

Manual dexterity, product knowledge and business sense are the skills that characterize the catering trade.

Creativity is also essential for the preparation of products for sale and for the preparation of displays. Artistic sense is important to make consumers want to buy the products you have made. Manual skills and the pleasure of working with raw materials are expected in these types of jobs.

In the food industry, it is also imperative to adapt to the new needs of consumers.

A good relationship with customers is essential in a sales profession. You will need to be able to give advice on recipes or product preparations.

English (UK)