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Future apprentice

4 bonnes raisons de choisir l’alternance

1- Acquire a first professional experience: Throughout the duration of the work-based course, the apprentice is a full employee of the company. They will be responsible for carrying out assignments in the company with the help and advice of their apprenticeship master. By acquiring skills in a company that complement their training at the CFA, apprentices increase their employability at the end of their course.

2- Obtaining a recognised diploma or qualification: The purpose of a work-based training contract is to prepare a recognised diploma or qualification. The diploma will be the same whether it is prepared in a work-based training or in initial training. The work-based training enriches the diploma with a significant amount of experience in a company.

3 – Devenir salarié : En signant un contrat d’alternance, l’apprenant obtient le statut de salarié de l’entreprise. A ce titre, il bénéficie d’une rémunération, de congés payés etc.. Ce statut de salarié engendre des avantages pour l’alternant mais il génère également des devoirs envers son entreprise d’accueil (ponctualité, respect du règlement intérieur de son entreprise, etc.)

4 – Optimiser son insertion professionnelle : S’engager dans la voie de l’alternance, c’est faire preuve de maturité et d’engagement envers le CFA et son entreprise d’accueil. De plus, avec les conseils de votre maître d’apprentissage, l’apprenti gagne en autonomie dans la réalisation de ses missions. Toutes ces valeurs sont reconnues par le monde professionnel et améliorent l’employabilité de l’alternant.

Working hours

L’apprenti est un salarié à temps complet : son temps de travail se décompose en temps de travail en entreprise et en temps de formation au CFA.

The apprentice is subject to the same rights and duties as any employee of the company.

The legal working time is fixed at 35 hours per week

  • The actual work cannot exceed 8 hours per day (35 or 39 hours per week), except exemption requested from the Labor Inspector (within the limit of 5 additional hours per week). The apprentice works 35 or 39 hours per week, depending on the agreements of the profession and the company.
  • The daily duration may not exceed 10 hours, unless an exemption is granted.
  • In principle, unless provided for in the collective agreement or company agreements, the weekly rest period must be at least 24 consecutive hours.
  • The apprentice is not required to work on Sundays.
  • The duration of the training in the CFA is taken into account in the working time.

Duration of the contract

It can vary from one to three years depending on the time needed to prepare for the diploma, it therefore depends on the diploma and the level acquired by the young person when signing their apprenticeship contract.

The duration can be reduced by one year:

  • if the young person already has a higher qualification than the one he wishes to prepare as part of the apprenticeship, or after assessment of his skills.

The duration can be extended by one year:

  • in case of repetition after failure of the exam, the contract may be extended.
  • if the young person has been recognised as a disabled worker (RQTH)

In all cases, a request for exemption must be addressed to the head of the Academic Service of the Apprenticeship Inspectorate. The decision is taken after receiving the opinion of the CFA director. If no reply is received within one month of the application being submitted, authorisation is granted.

Information on the trial period

Apprenticeship contracts have a trial period of 45 effective days in a company, consecutive or not for the apprentice.


As an employee, the apprentice accumulates 2.08 days of paid leave per month.

Commitments and obligations

By signing an apprenticeship contract, the apprentice undertakes to :

  • travailler pour l’employeur pendant la durée du contrat ;
  • suivre avec assiduité la formation assurée au CFA et en entreprise ;
  • respecter les règlements du CFA et de l’entreprise ;
  • pass the exams as provided for in the contract.

For its part, the company is committed to:

  • apporter à l’apprenti, une formation complète conduisant au diplôme prévu dans le contrat en confiant au jeune des missions en relation étroite avec sa formation ;
  • faire suivre à l’apprenti les enseignements dispensés par le CFA, l’inscrire aux examens prévus par le contrat. Il est à noter que ces activités sont comprises dans les horaires de travail ;
  • prendre en charge, dès l’entrée de l’apprenti dans l’entreprise, l’ensemble des déclarations qui permettent au jeune de bénéficier des lois sociales en vigueur ;
  • respecter les dispositions légales et conventionnelles prises à propos des conditions de travail et de la rémunération des apprentis et en particulier ajuster le salaire prévu au contrat à l’évolution du salaire minimum légal ou conventionnel ;
  • avertir l’école et le CFA en cas d’absence ou de maladie de l’apprenti, ainsi que tout autre fait susceptible d’entraîner leur intervention ;
  • notify the administration concerned of all changes concerning the tutor.

The CFA undertakes to :

  • Définir les objectifs de formation ;
  • Assurer la formation générale et technologique ;
  • Informer les maîtres d’apprentissage.

School-tutor contact book

The apprenticeship booklet is the main medium for establishing the link between the apprentice, the company and the CFA, in order to ensure the cohesion of the training of co-trainers.

Its main objective is to be a communication and follow-up tool between the apprentice, the tutor, the referent teacher and the head of the CFA.

The apprenticeship booklet specifies the terms of the contract: the identification of the mission entrusted to the apprentice and the objectives related to this mission.

At each period in the company, the apprentice must fill in his apprenticeship booklet in order to inform the teaching team of the work he has carried out.

Likewise, the apprentice will fill in his apprenticeship booklet at the end of each CFA period.

The apprentice must have his passbook in his possession both at the company and at the CFA. He must be able to present it to his interlocutors on request.

Formulaire contrat d’apprentissage

CERFA n° 10103*10_2023

Notice CERFA 10103*10_2023

Explication du formulaire CERFA

Notice CFA

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English (UK)