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Notre Restaurant Pédagogique

Opening hours of the educational restaurant of the CFA Européen Louis Prioux in Bar-le-Duc

Reception of the customers from 12h00 à 12h15

We ask our kind customers not to extend the meal beyond 14:00 pm 14h00

The respect of the end of service hours is essentiel.

Consulter ou télécharger l’ensemble de nos Menus

CAP Cuisine

Repas niveau 5
CAP ou
European class


Drinks are not included

CAP Cuisine

Repas niveau 4


Aperitifs included
Win and coffee are not included

Repas spécialFruits de mer ou foie grasou Repas des chefs

Repas spécial
Fruits de mer ou foie gras
ou Repas des chefs


Aperitifs included
Win and coffee are not included

Reservations can only be made by phone at least one week before the day of the meal.

ATTENTION un nouveau numéro de téléphone pour les réservations

Payment for meal(s) can be made by check, cash or credit card.

English (UK)