A word from the Director, M. Deshayes
Association created in 1974, the European CFA Louis Prioux has been providing work-study training for 50 years: apprenticeship and continuing education.
The CFA took the name of its first President, Mr. Louis PRIOUX, a baker in Bar-le-Duc. His vision was to create an interprofessional CFA in the trades ofhôtellerie restauration, l’alimentation, l’automobile, le commerce et la coiffure.
The training is provided by a team of 25 teachers, a teaching team made up of recognized professionals.
Benefiting from quality professional equipment, learners follow practical and general lessons allowing them to adapt quickly to their host company and to prepare for their diploma in the best conditions (93% success in 2020).
The work-study program provides a good start to employment because it prepares students for a diploma while giving them real professional experience that is greatly appreciated by employers.
Depuis une vingtaine d’années, le CFA a For twenty years, the CFA has had a European dimensionCFA Louis Prioux is the pilot for European work-study programs and offers its apprentices the possibility of completing part of their training abroad. Reciprocally, the CFA Louis Prioux welcomes young Europeans under an apprenticeship contract in its various training courses. It is the only CFA in France to be labeled FLE (French as a Foreign Language).
High school students, college students, are you wondering about your orientation?
Employers, employees, do you need to develop skills?
Job seekers, are you looking to retrain in jobs that are recruiting?
Then get information from the CFA by using the " contact ».
Five main professional fields represented
- Métiers de l’hôtellerie-restauration : cuisine, service en salle
- Métiers de l’alimentation : boulangerie, pâtisserie, chocolaterie, boucherie, charcuterie-traiteur
- Métiers de l’automobile : maintenance voitures particulières ou véhicules industrielles, mécanique, électronique, électricité, carrosserie, peinture
- Trade and Sales Professions
- Hairdressing professions
Our school project
To be part of the regional poles of competence, in particular in the hotel and catering sector. The training offer covers almost all the diplomas of the sectors. It relies on a very structured teaching team and on a high quality tool. It has gained the confidence of a large number of professionals beyond the borders of the department. The hotel sections benefit from the complementarity of the food courses present in the establishment and which are also very well know
Maintain the sections with a low number of employees at level 3 and 4 (European nomenclature) in order to avoid the permanent disappearance of skills in the department. Otherwise, this would weaken the companies. Moreover, this would encourage the qualification of young people who, due to lack of mobility, would give up choosing these professions.
Faire de l’établissement un lieu d’apprentissages (professionnels mais également socio-culturels) capable de s’adresser à tous les publics quel que soit leur profil et de les amener au niveau le plus élevé et a minima au niveau 4 (50%) grâce à la mobilisation d’outils étudiés pour leur performance pédagogique (approche concrète des savoirs, prise en compte du handicap) et adaptés aux nouveaux usages et nouvelles contraintes (FOAD, e-learning)
Etre un lieu d’éducation au vivre ensemble et à la mixité dans une économie mondialisée et digitalisée pour autant respectueuse des équilibres locaux
Pérenniser l’engagement dans l’organisation et le management de la qualité avec l’obtention des certifications NF 214, Qualiopi et la labélisation FLE (Français Langue Etrangère)
Poursuivre la conversion écologique de l’établissement (dont 30% des achats et de matières d’œuvre locaux et/ou biologiques) et viser l’obtention d’un label vert.
Our quality commitments
- To give a first response to requests for information on our training courses (apprenticeship, continuing education, employees, job seekers) within 48 hours.
- To provide the applicant (Learner, Company, Financier) with all the useful information for a training project, from its implementation to its completion.
- To offer an individualized course to learners according to their profile.
- To closely follow the learner's progress in the Center and in the Company.
- To provide education that respects the standards, delivered by a teaching team of trainers authorized by the academic authorities.
- To offer modern training equipment, a quality living environment and accommodation (bathroom in the room, internet connection), with no capacity limit.